Via Ferrate (Railway Climbing)



It refers to the way of mountaineering on the cliff with the help of ropes and pedals. The main components of the ropeway are metal handrails, steps, cables, pedals and so on. These devices allow unsuccessful climbers to walk on steep cliffs.
The earliest Ferrada was built in Mont Aiguille, France, in 1492. In 1914, the Italian army built a large number of Ferada in the Alps on the Italian-Austrian border to facilitate the rapid and safe transport of troops and heavy loads. After the war, these routes became places of pilgrimage for war survivors and their families, and developed into a special mountain movement. In the mid and late 1980s and 1990s, the French Ferrada Railway climbing with high safety, entertainment and flexible lines began to flourish in France, Italy, Switzerland and other countries, and was welcomed by outdoor sports enthusiasts. According to official statistics, there are currently more than 650 Ferada routes in Europe, and more than 1 million people who often participate in Ferada activities and have personal protective equipment in Ferada. Players agree that Ferrada Railway Climbing retains the thrilling excitement of field climbing, achieves the purpose of exercising physical fitness and will, reduces the professional and technical requirements of climbers, and makes the dreams of ordinary people who pursue the passion of rock climbing come true. It is the extreme sport that everyone can participate in.
